
Showing posts from March, 2011

天空对我的含义是如此的深??? Mayb ♥♥

从前的我 灰色的天空 ♥ 灰色的天空,是流泪的眼睛,却冲不掉别样的情致; 灰色的天空,是因感情的痴迷,也理不清惨淡的人生. 灰色的天空,寂寞得很,没有鸟儿飞过; 灰色的天空,失意得很,没有人想念过 也许只有我还惦念着和我一样的灰色天空. 抬望一眼,灰色的天空依旧没有笑脸; 灰蒙蒙一片天,亮晶晶一滴泪,孤零零一个我, 真诚诚一颗心,守着如此一个梦. 灰蒙蒙的天,月亮和心系在一起.我无法入眠 灰蒙蒙的天,不会有彩虹,一个擦不干泪水的梦. 如今的我 夜空 ♥ 夜空,拥有繁星与月亮,照亮大地 夜空,一点都不寂寞,有繁星陪伴 夜空,一点也不失意,有人挂念着 我就是那爱望着夜空的女生. 对着天空,心情会豁然开朗,因为看到了您的笑脸. 黑漆漆的一片天,无数的繁星,依旧是孤零零的我. 用无数的真心挂念着您-爷爷. 您就如天上的繁星,照亮大地的月光, 给我带来安慰与照顾. 如今,月亮与心任然系在一起,但不同的是,我很快就进入梦乡了. 黑漆漆的天,虽然不会有彩虹,一个甜滋滋的梦.

Noah's Ark really will carrying them escape from here?

Share some old photo in here, all of these photos were a decade ago~ Blink of an eye, 10years had passed. with the changes of surrounding environment, we was growing up. I really miss that time, because i`m just a simple, ignorance and pure girl, nothing can affect my mood and also action. In this past 10years, i was already facing many things, problem, and also learn that how to solve it by myself, but sometimes i`m prefer to rely on others. Looked out of the window, rained and rained. open the old photo albums, looking at these old photo, thinking about the past things, i`m was smile. Cause that time was sweet, but now was feeling sadness cause we are lost somebody. He was very important in my LIFE! Recently, many countries was facing a natural disasters, is this mean end of the world was coming soon? If this is a fact, people will look forward to Noah's Ark? Noah`s Ark Noah's Ark really will carrying them escape from here? But, i